Become the happiest person you know!




Penney Murphy

Masters Level Results Coach & Therapist

Become the happiest person you know!

Life Reimagined   


Penney Murphy

Masters Level Results Coach
& Therapist



Life Reimagined

Because you only live once…

‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?’ 

Hi!  I’m Penney Murphy, a Masters Level Coach & Therapist, a Problem Solver, and a Solution Seeker and I have always been inspired by this Mary Oliver quote.

Life Reimagined has grown out of this inspiration and a burning desire to make the very best of this incredible life and to share what I’ve learned to help others do the same.

Life Reimagined is the opportunity to rethink, reinvent, redefine, recreate and yes, reimagine who we are, who we want to be and the life we really want to live so that we can make it a reality right now.

Because you only live once.  There is no dress rehearsal and the clock is ticking.   Let’s get to it and make the absolute best out of our wild and precious lives, shall we?


What if you believed that anything is possible for you?
No matter where you’re at now, you absolutely CAN create an extraordinary life you love.

You’ve got this. 
I promise.
Because I’ve got you.  

You’re smart. Capable. Determined. 
You know all of this. 

You’ve got people to talk to, a stack of books on your nightstand you want to start, and podcasts to listen to. 

You know you want to be happier, to get out of the rut you’ve been in.  You want to feel vibrant and alive again and to become excited about your life and who you are.  

But you’re unsure.
And even if you have ideas on what to do about all of this, you can’t always make them happen in the way you want them to.

And the clock keeps ticking.  The years go by. 

But there comes a point…when it all starts to feel overwhelming, frustrating…too much.

    And you start asking yourself a lot of questions that start with WHY

    • Why can’t I get my s#%* together?
    • Why am I stuck ? Why can’t I move forward?
    • Why do I feel lost? 
    • Why am I still trying to figure out what the heck it is I want?
    • Why do I feel like there’s just something missing? 
    • Why can’t I make sense of all of this out?
    • Why won’t someone just give me the secret sauce to all of this?  (by the way…I have the secret sauce and I’d love to share it with you) 

    You aren’t alone.  I hear this from clients all the time.  You look like you’ve got it all together…but you want to genuinely feel like you’ve got it all together and figured out as well. 

    Maybe it’s time to rediscover what makes you happy,
    to start waking up each morning feeling energetic, vibrant and full of life,
    and to become motivated, optimistic and excited about your future?

    Are you ready to finally start living the life that you really want?

    ‘My people’
    know they want something more out of life.

    I work with men and women in midlife and beyond
    who want to be happier, to become their best selves
    and who want to create a life they love right now.

    My superpower is helping people to feel motivated and excited about their lives and futures again, crushing stress & self doubt, making it possible for them to get out of their own way and become crystal clear on what they want to be, feel, do and experience in the next chapter of life.
    And most importantly, to start living the life of their dreams right now.

    I love leading the way to empowerment for those feeling stuck, for those who don’t want to settle for just ‘good enough’
    and for those who don’t know what they want and/or how to make it a reality.

    If you’ve been waiting for a sign to start taking action…this is it!

    It’s time you and I started working together and here are some ways you can do that.

    My Sweet Suite of Products

    These products were created with you in mind.
    Designed to get you happy(er) and to help you master the art of living well with ease.

    Never worked with a Coach before…or don’t know where to start?

    Dip your toes in the water with the Inner Calm monthly membership.  It’s easy on the budget and absolutely great for the mind.

    Connect with me inside The Good Life Membership where each month we do a deep dive into a topic to make life really good!

    Perhaps Group Coaching is something you’d be interested in.  Watch for upcoming Group Coaching Programs. 

    Or immerse yourself in some one to one coaching with me to get clarity about who you want to be and what you want your life to look like…and let’s make it happen.  I’ve got 3 coaching packages to choose from.  Click the button below for all of the delicious details

    Inner Calm


    Imagine the power of a calm,
    quiet mind to start your day.
    Join my Inner Calm Membership
    & you’ll have access to a library of
    guided meditations and visualizations
    with 4 new ones added every month.

    The Good Life


    Living well…aging well.
    Everything you need for a happy, content and fulfilled life!

    Inside, you’ll find a wealth of video MasterClasses and workbooks
    filled with tools, techniques and tips
    on a variety of topics
    (increasing happiness, managing stress, building self confidence, harnessing the power of mindset, taming your inner critic) all designed to help you to be your best and to live your best life.

    Plus a new MasterClass
    is added every month!





    Join me starting Aug 12th for the 21 Day Meditation Experience. 

    All you need is 10 minutes each day and you’ll be on your way to a calm mind, unstoppable confidence and more energy! 

    A new meditation theme each day! 

    Don’t miss the Buy In July Bonus!  Get all of the details below. 


    Relax as you start your week!

    Mindfulness Mondays

    Sign up below and I’ll send you one of my favourite mindfulness techniques
    delivered to your inbox every Monday for the next 10 weeks. 

    Did I mention it’s FREE?  
